My name is Sai.

I’ve been a software engineer since 2010. I still consider myself a generalist, but I’ve narrowed my focus to “backend” technologies, because I still have an aversion to frontend. Over the years, I’ve realized and confirmed the belief that a good engineer is not just someone who is a good programmer.

Bouldering entered my life the first time in 2009 or 2010, but I didn’t climb regularly until 2016. As with any skill that takes a long time to develop, I regret not starting it sooner. Although I’m still not good, I try to be regular with my training and I’m still having fun. My experience climbing outdoors is limited, but I’ve come to terms with the idea that even if I only boulder indoors, I’d be happy.

I currently climb somewhere between a V4 (at a gym that actually tries to match outdoor grades) and a V6 (at a gym that has soft grades). My project grades are one or two levels higher than that. My progression has plateaued, but I’m still trying to get better.

I don’t plan to write just about these parts of my life, but this should provide some background about the lens in which I view the world.